In Nasyam, medicated oils and ghee, herbs etc. are instilled through the nasal cavity (nostrils) according to the prakruti, season or underlying condition.

Parishek/ Pizhichil is the squeezing of warm mediated oil onto the body using a piece of cloth. It is periodically soaked in lukewarm oil and squeezed for specific duration.

Abhyangam is the whole body massage done with Ayurvedic medicated oils. It is done classically with long flowing strokes.

Foot massage (below knee) with Ayurvedic medicated oil or cow ghee in Padabhyangam focuses on applying pressure to specific vital points on feet in order to stimulate various body parts.

A small well is prepared out of black gram/ wheat dough and lukewarm medicated oil is poured in it. It is kept for specific duration and recommended for continuous 7 days.

A small well is prepared out of black gram/ wheat dough and lukewarm medicated oil is poured in it. It is kept for specific duration and recommended for continuous 7 days

Pinda sweda/ Kizhi uses rice/ herbal powders tied in a muslin cloth to make small boluses (Pottali). These are then heated and lightly pounded/rubbed over the body or specific parts of the body as per requirement.

Upanah is the mixture made up of fresh herbs, herbal powders, oil, ghee, salt etc. Applying the freshly prepared warm mixture on a cloth and tying on affected part is called as Upanaham/ poultice.

Administration of oil or ghee in the form of enema is called as Sneha Basti. Initially abdomen and back is massaged and steam is given.

A small well is prepared out of black gram/ wheat dough and lukewarm medicated oil is poured in it.

A well is prepared out of black gram/ wheat dough on entire spine length. Lukewarm medicated oil is poured in it.

Medicated ghee is given in a specific quantity to be taken empty stomach for 3-5 days. Thereafter, on 4th or 6th day whole body massage followed with whole body steam is given.

Medicated ghee is given in a specific quantity to be taken empty stomach for 3-5-7 days. Thereafter, whole body massage is done followed by whole body steam.

Administration of medicated decoction empty stomach in the form of enema is called as Kashaya Basti or Niruha Basti.

Continuous pouring of lukewarm medicated oil over forehead is called as Shirodhara. The oil kept intermittently moving with gentle massage over forehead.

Regular head massage with plain or medicated oil is called as Shiroabhyang. Lukewarm or normal temperature oil is poured over Adhipati Marma/ top of head and complete head massage is done considering the anatomical structures.

Application of herbal pastes on scalp (probably bald scalp) is called as Shirolepa under the treatment category of Masthishkya i.e. pertaining to head.

Udvartana/body scrubbing is the treatment under massage where herbal powders mixed with warm oil or warm water is rubbed over whole or part of the body.

Mukhalepam can be termed as Ayurvedic facial which includes face massage, mild scrubbing with herbal pastes and then applying pastes of various herbs, sand, flours etc. with various liquids like milk, rose water, lukewarm water, decoctions etc.

Takradhara is a special procedure similar to Taila Shirodhara. Buttermilk processed in Amla is poured over forehead for specific duration. A gentle massage is given on forehead during the process

A suitable well is prepared using black gram or wheat dough over the periphery of eyes. Lukewarm medicated ghee is poured in the well and person is asked to open and close the eyes for specific duration.

The application of leeches to suck the impure blood locally from a body part is called as Jalaukavacharan in Ayurved.