De-Stress Treatment
Introduction : Stress has become an inescapable part of our world these days imbalances the doshas in the body disturbing the physical and mental and is responsible for various reasons and condition and diseases. Ayurved has suggested some healing relaxing and rejuvenating therapies which will be e helpful to reduce imbalances of doshas and help against the physical and mental stress also beneficial for improving circulation rigidity still which creates physical pressure on body as well as helps to stabilized the Mind with soothing effect resulting incoming and relaxed mental stress
Duration : 3/5/7 days (Depends from person to person and also on Prakruti)
Packages Starting from : 8400 7200/-
Included Therapies : Snehan, Sweden, Shirodhara and other allied therapies will be suggested separately according to Prakruti.
Specially for : both male n female age from 16 to 65
Detox Treatment
Introduction : Panchkarma means 5 karma i.e. treatment modalities recommended by Ayurveda for body detoxification. Panchkarma helps to detoxify your body so that health can be maintained. Vamana (Emesis), Virechana (Purgation) and Basti (Medicatedenema) for Kapha, Pitta and Vata problems respectively. Raktamokshan (Blood-letting) and Nasya (Nasaldrops) are recommended for blood and head – neck disorder
Duration : 7/14/21/28 days also depends upon condition and severity of detoxification needed
Packages Starting from : Charges applied according to treatment needed or suggested to the patient by the the doctor
Included Therapies : Vamana (Emesis), Virechana (Purgation) and Basti (Medicatedenema), Raktamokshan (Blood-letting) and Nasya (Nasaldrops)
Specially for : Age from 16 to 65 by all

Joint Care
Introduction : Joint problem is one of the condition being faced today by most of people. According to Ayurved Sandhis means joint, the problems related to Sandhis are called joint problem it may be small or big joints. Specially the white relation and imbalances of water doses and in some cases with doses aggravates the joint problem causing joint pain osteoporosis osteoarthritis spondylolysis etc. Ayurved has very useful and effective treatment externally as well as internal lead to cure and prevent this joint problems
Duration : 7 days treatment
Packages Starting from : packages starting from 13100/-. The price may differ if any specialised specific basti is advised for the patient by the consultant for specific joint.
Included Therapies :
- Internal treatment : Basti i.e. medicated Enema is one of the karmas and panchkarma which is very effective when it comes to join problem
- External treatment : Pre procedures like abhyangam i.e. oleation and Sweden that is hot fomentation are very useful as well as localized basti are useful for specific joint problem
Specially for : People that is was suffering from joint problems can take this treatment
Skin Care
Introduction : Skin is the mirror of your digestive system condition. The imbalance of vata, pitta and kapha dosha as individual can lead to various skin related issues. Ayurved has very effective and useful treatment for skin care which includes external procedures for therapies as well as internal detoxification and cleansing process to remove the toxic effectively. There are various skin problems being faced usually by the age group of 15 to 35 due to improper food habits and behavioural patterns like late night sleep eating junk food extra which leads to skin problems.
Duration : Depends on the condition of the patient and severity of disease
Packages Starting from : Charges as per actual and according to the treatment which will be advised by consultant
Included Therapies :
- Internal treatment : Enema i.e. basti and most important procedure in panchakarma virechana is very much effective for skin problem
- External treatment : Application of various herbal a pass that is herbal paste on various medicated oils for the purification of blood and to remove impure blood Jalaukavacharan i.e. leech application for chronic skin conditions
Specially for : Person suffering from health issues can take this treatment

Hair Care
Introduction : Early greying of hair and hair fall are two main problem faced by young people. Also problem with scalp and infection as a reason for hair problems like dandruff psoriasis. Ayurveda believes that just external application and precautions are not sufficient to keep it full of life, strength, luster, sheen, color, vitality and healthy life long.
Duration : Depends on the condition of the patient and severity of disease
Packages Starting from : Charges as per actual and according to the treatment which will be advised by consultant
Included Therapies : External application of paste according to specific condition for disease. Various herbs are useful as well as panchakarma is also very effective when it comes to hair care
Specially for : Person suffering from health issues can take this treatment