Nadi Pariksha

Nadi Pariksha – A Traditional diagnostic approach for Natural healing

Ayurved is the system of traditional and scientific medicine that evolved in India with a rationale and logical foundation that has survived as a distinct entity. The fundamentals of the Ayurvedic system are precise and do not change from age to age. The origin of Ayurved is attributed to Atharva Veda where several diseases with their treatments are mentioned. Ayurved has eight ways to diagnose illness, called Nadi (pulse), Mootra (urine), Mala (stool), Jihva (tongue), Shabda (speech), Sparsha (touch), Druk (vision), and Aakruti (appearance). Ayurvedic practitioners approach diagnosis by using the five senses. For example, hearing is used to observe the condition of breathing and speech. The study of the lethal points or marman marma is of special importance. In this article, we will talk in detail about Nadi Pariksha

Sarangadhara Samhita, YogaRatnakara, Basavarajeeyam and Bhavaprakasha have discussed the details of Nadi Pariksha in the form of slokas.

Nadi Pariksha is an ancient ayurvedic technique of diagnosing physical, mental, and emotional imbalances through the pulse of the sufferer. Through Nadi we can determine the Normal/Prakruti- Abnormal/Vikruti, the status of Doshas (Vata- Pitta- Kapha) in each organ, effects on Dhatus (Body Tissues), Manas (Mind); that affect health as per their current status. This technique helps to get to the root cause of the disease and aids to treat it by combining the findings of signs and symptoms that are being seen or felt. The significance of Nadi Pariksha is well understood and effectively used by Ayurved practitioners to assess the patient’s various physiological and psychological states.

Many intellectuals in the field of Ayurved have contributed to the science of nadi pariksha. A doctor will find out about the things or activities that cause or may cause trouble to the body and then designs patients’ personal wellness regime. It can range from therapeutic massages, personalized diet, rigorous detoxification, and exercise programs.

Ayurved has thousands of years of rich experience in Nadi Pariksha with strong literature support but is subjective in nature and the need for studying nadi with a more objective scientific approach. Recently, pulse wave velocity has gained significant research interest as it is considered a strong indicator of cardiovascular disease; however, the relevance of pulse wave analysis to Nadi Pariksha has not been studied. As per classical texts, qualities or properties of pulse such as pulse movement (gati), speed of the pulse (vega), stability of the pulse (sthiratva) and hardness of the artery (kathinya) play a major role in Nadi Pariksha and in the current review these properties were analyzed and compared with the modern pulse parameters namely pulse wave velocity, pulse rate variability, and arterial stiffness.

Nadi Pariksha is also a science that has been passed on from generation to generation resembling the Gurukula system of Vedas. I am blessed and fortunate to take birth in such a traditional Ayurveda family having the legacy of Nadi Pariksha and Ayurved from the last 11 generations. I am very much thankful to my beloved Guru Guide Philosopher Father Vaidya Sadanand Prabhakar Sardeshmukh for teaching me this precious traditional knowledge of Ayurveda.

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